Screen casting allows you to share your Android phone’s display on a larger screen, such as a TV. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth:
    1. Make sure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on in your Android device’s settings.
    2. If you’re connecting to another device (e.g., your TV), ensure that it’s connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your phone.
  2. Check Compatibility: Confirm that your target device (e.g., TV) supports wireless display (screen mirroring).
  3. Access Quick Menu: From the Samsung home screen (or any Android device), swipe down to reveal the full quick menu.
  4. Select Smart View or Cast:
    1. Look for the “Smart View” or “Cast” option in the quick menu.
    2. Tap it to open the Smart View app.
      Screenshot_20240508_144706_Smart View.jpg
  5. Choose Your Device: In the Smart View app, select the device (e.g., your TV) you want to mirror your screen to from the available options.
    Screenshot_20240508_144700_Smart View.jpg
  6. Accept Permissions: When prompted, grant permission to mirror your content on both your mobile device and the target device.
    Screenshot_20240508_144717_Smart View.jpg
  7. Verify Screen Mirroring: If screen mirroring is working correctly, you’ll see the same image from your phone on your target device.
  8. Connect your Backbone: Press the Backbone button if necessary to launch the Backbone app.
  9. Enjoy gaming with your Backbone on a larger display! 🎉📺

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